
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Buyer Beware: Review of the Annotated Book of Mormon

President M. Russell Ballard recently counseled teachers and instructors in the Church, "not to pass along faith promoting or unsubstantiated rumors or outdated understandings and explanations of our doctrine and practices from the past. It is always wise to . . . consult the works of recognized, thoughtful, and faithful LDS scholars to ensure you do not teach things that are untrue, out of date, or odd and quirky." Here is a detailed 8 part review of book which is a prime example of what happens when we refuse to follow that Apostolic counsel. Differences of opinion and interpretation about Book of Mormon geography don't bother me. Everybody has a right to their own opinion. What is troubling is where books like the one reviewed below make factually, demonstrably erroneous claims that, if left unchecked, will damage the faith of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when they discover many of those things are problematic or untrue. There are many solid evidences of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. But the claims, as presented in this book cannot be relied upon. Buyer Beware.